Eleven Labs is Building AI Sound Effects for Sora

Robots coming to life with Sora and ElevenLabs

Welcome Renaissance Artist,

This may just become a Sora newsletter now.

Three days into making content, and there is not much else to talk about so far other than OpenAI’s latest announcement.

The interesting part is that there have been no follow-up releases or announcements from OpenAI itself, but a lot of chatter, announcements, and demos from the new release from those who have access.

The latest announcement from Eleven Labs looks completely game-changing.

Let’s dive in.

Hot Off The Press

The One Big Thing

AI Twitter has been full of Sora content for the past few days.

It turns out that AI people also do AI stuff on nights and weekends. This weekend, we were treated to copious amounts of demos and samples of Sora’s capabilities.

However, many people have rightfully pointed out that while the videos look cool, they would look a lot cooler if they had built in sound effects. If the goal is really to decentralize Hollywood, we are going to need some good VFX tools to go from text to video.

Eleven Labs thought the same thing. The company’s flagship product allows people to do text-to-speech using sample voices they have uploaded or by cloning voices to be used as output. It’s kind of a big deal.

Many faceless YouTube and TikTok videos you watch today use Eleven Labs voices. The Adam voice by Eleven Labs has become a sort of cultural phenomenon within certain internet niches.

This weekend, they announced they are getting into the world of AI sound effects:

Watching these videos feels like getting a glimpse into the future.

You can start to see how some of these tools will come together and be used by the most clever and creative individuals to create some glorious productions.

It really might be over for Hollywood.

It certainly feels like an extremely talented and motivated individual could use the combination of Sora, Eleven Labs, ChatGPT, and a few other tools to create studio-quality work in the coming years. Why would these new indie filmmakers need financing, tools, and distribution of a film studio when they can achieve 90% of the output in their own bedrooms?

However, I have a contrarian take on what this means for the film industry. I do not, in fact, think it is all over for Hollywood. Maybe the physical place, yes, but the cultural impact of this industry and its dominant run in the 20th century may just be beginning.

Because if anyone can create any sort of content that is of the highest caliber, can mimic any style, and knows no physical boundaries, we are most definitely going to be flooded with a flurry of high-quality work. This will only increase the brand value of existing productions and the people involved in them.

People like watching stuff they know.

We, as humans, are great copycats. We mimic the world around us, take what we like, and make it our own.

So when we find a magical new tool that can meld worlds together for us, we work with what we know: Minecraft and a motorcycle.

The really interesting implications of this technology will come later down the line when some indie artist makes a film using existing actors and source material that goes absolutely viral and nobody in Hollywood makes a dime from it.

When that happens, we will see a wave of licensing deals and interesting business agreements that nobody thought they would ever agree with.

It’s called a Renaissance for a reason. The rebirth is happening; get with it or get left behind.

One day, the gallery will include other content, not just Sora demos. But today is not that day…


Must-have tools for every Renaissance creator to add to their toolkit:

Deep Tech

The newest and coolest in the research world that you need to know about:

Closing Thought

It’s interesting that engineers in California are disrupting California’s two major exports: Silicon Valley and Hollywood. What does this lead to on a 10-20 year time horizon?

Simulation Authors

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