Figure x OpenAI Collab on the Most Powerful Robot Yet

Dear Artisan,

As AI progresses and most of the software world gets automated away, we humans will shift more of our attention to the physical world.

So far, that has been a space where AI advancement has been relatively tame compared to what we have seen in the realm of language, images, and even video.

It seems like 2024 is the year that all of that changes.

Let’s dive in.

Hot Off The Press

The One Big Thing

Robots Are the Big Thing of 2024

Two weeks ago, a robotics company called Figure AI raised $675 million from people like Jeff Bezos and OpenAI. Today, that company released a demo of what their robot is capable of. Oh, and that robot is powered by OpenAI.

The Basics:

  • Figure raised $675M in Series B, hitting a $2.6B valuation with backers like Microsoft and Jeff Bezos, targeting faster humanoid robot deployment.

  • The company partners with OpenAI to fuse cutting-edge AI models with robotic hardware, aiming for advanced linguistic and reasoning robot capabilities.

  • They have partnered with other big manufacturers like BMW

  • Figure-1, their flagship product, can do things like scan its environment and interact with humans with advanced language comprehension

I encourage you to watch the entire demo; it feels like watching a glimpse into the future.

While language processing and generative images have been fun and will change the knowledge landscape forever, robotics will have a much greater impact.

Off the bat, you can see how this will completely change manufacturing and warehouse work. Workplace injuries will become a thing of the past. Menial tasks will be done by a little AGI robot you have running around your house, like the movie Rocky.

There is not much to add here other than excitement, as we have no timeline as to when these products will be available for use by the public. There will be months, if not years, of testing and commercial application before this becomes a consumer product, but the future is absolutely here, and it looks amazing.

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Closing Thought

Being an AI founder is tough. Not enough GPUs and you get ghosted

- a newsletter writer

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